〈영어회화 공식패턴 3300 : 기본 핵심 응용〉은 기본부터 고급까지 영어의 다양한 패턴을 알찬 예문과 다이알로그와 함께 수록하였다. 기본편에는 쉽다고 생각하고 또 잘 알고 있다고 생각하지만 실제로는 쓰지 못하는 표현들을 집중적으로 수록하였다. 핵심편에서는 영어회화에서 자주 쓰이는 동사가 만들어내는 풍부한 패턴들을 집요하게 파고 들었다. 마지막 응용편에서는 기본과 응용편을 바탕으로 다양한 의문문 문장을 만들어내는 경우와 기타 패턴 표현들을 왕창 수록하였다. 따라서 기본편부터 순서대로 봐도 되지만 자기 실력에 맞게 골라서 순서없이 학습해도 되도록 꾸며졌다.
CHAPTER 01 be+형용사[pp]~
Pattern 01 I'm glad~ 012
Pattern 02 I'm happy~ 014
Pattern 03 I'm happy~ 016
Pattern 04 I'm pleased~ 018
Pattern 05 I'm mad~ 020
Pattern 06 I'm angry 022
Pattern 07 I'm upset~ 024
Pattern 08 I'm sorry~ 026
Pattern 09 I'm sorry about~ 028
Pattern 10 I'm sorry to~ 030
Pattern 11 I'm sorry, but~ 032
Pattern 12 I'm good~ 034
Pattern 13 I'm ready 036
Pattern 14 I'm ready~ 038
Pattern 15 I'm sure~ 040
Pattern 16 I'm sure~ 042
Pattern 17 be sure to~ 044
Pattern 18 I'm aware of~ 046
Pattern 19 I'm aware~ 048
Pattern 20 I'm finished~ 050
Pattern 21 I'm done~ 052
Pattern 22 I'm interested~ 054
Pattern 23 I have an interest~ 056
Pattern 24 I'm busy~ 058
Pattern 25 I'm worried about~ 060
Pattern 26 I worry~ 062
Pattern 27 Are you worried~? 064
Pattern 28 I'm supposed to~ 066
Pattern 29 I'm expected to~ 068
Pattern 30 I'm ashamed~ 070
Pattern 31 I'm disappointed~ 072
Pattern 32 I'm humiliated~ 074
Pattern 33 I'm comfortable~ 076
Pattern 34 I feel bad~ 078
Pattern 35 I feel awful~ 080
Pattern 36 I'm annoyed~ 082
Pattern 37 I'm so exhausted~ 084
Pattern 38 I'm surprised~ 086
Pattern 39 I'm grateful~ 088
Pattern 40 I just wanted to thank you~090
Pattern 41 I'm afraid~ 092
Pattern 42 I'm married~ 094
Pattern 43 I'm committed~ 096
CHAPTER 02 주어+조동사~
Pattern 01 I'm going to~ 100
Pattern 02 We're going to~ 102
Pattern 03 You're going to~ 104
Pattern 04 He's going to~ 106
Pattern 05 I will~ 108
Pattern 06 We will~ 110
Pattern 07 You will~ 112
Pattern 08 He will 114
Pattern 09 I would~ 116
Pattern 10 I wouldn't 118
Pattern 11 You would~ 120
Pattern 12 He would~ 122
Pattern 13 I can~ 124
Pattern 14 I can't~ 126
Pattern 15 We can~ 128
Pattern 16 You can~ 130
Pattern 17 He can~ 132
Pattern 18 I could~ 134
Pattern 19 We could~ 136
Pattern 20 You could~ 138
Pattern 21 He could~ 140
Pattern 22 I should~ 142
Pattern 23 We should~ 144
Pattern 24 You should~ 146
Pattern 25 He should~ 148
Pattern 26 I must~ 150
Pattern 27 You must~ 152
Pattern 28 I have to~ 154
Pattern 29 We have to~ 156
Pattern 30 You have to~ 158
Pattern 31 She has to~ 160
Pattern 32 I've got to~ 162
Pattern 33 I may~ 164
Pattern 34 We may~ 166
Pattern 35 He may~ 168
Pattern 36 I might~ 170
Pattern 37 I'd better~ 172
Pattern 38 You'd better~ 174
Pattern 39 I used to~ 176
Pattern 40 It used to~ 178
Pattern 41 I should have+pp~ 180
Pattern 42 You should have+pp~ 182
Pattern 43 I can have+pp~ 184
Pattern 44 You can have+pp~ 186
Pattern 45 I may have+pp~ 188
CHAPTER 03 주어+have+pp
Pattern 01 I have+pp~ 192
Pattern 02 I have been~ 194
Pattern 03 I haven't+pp~ 196
Pattern 04 We have+pp~ 198
Pattern 05 We haven't+pp~ 200
Pattern 06 You have+pp~ 202
Pattern 07 Have you been~ ? 204
Pattern 08 Have you ever~ ? 206
Pattern 09 You haven't+pp~ 208
Pattern 10 He has+pp~ 210
Pattern 11 He hasn't+pp~ 212
CHAPTER 04 This[That, It]~
Pattern 01 This is~ 216
Pattern 02 This is not~ 218
Pattern 03 Is this~ ? 220
Pattern 04 This was~ 222
Pattern 05 This is going to~ 224
Pattern 06 This will~ 226
Pattern 07 This can~ 228
Pattern 08 This should~ 230
Pattern 09 This must[may]~ 232
Pattern 10 This is what~ 234
Pattern 11 This is when[where]~ 236
Pattern 12 This is why[because]~ 238
Pattern 13 This is how~ 240
Pattern 14 Is this your first~ ? 242
Pattern 15 That is~ 244
Pattern 16 Is that~ ? 246
Pattern 17 That is going to~ 248
Pattern 18 That will~ 250
Pattern 19 That can~ 252
Pattern 20 That should [must, may]~254
Pattern 21 That is what~ 256
Pattern 22 That's when[where]~ 258
Pattern 23 That's why[because]~ 260
Pattern 24 That's how~ 262
Pattern 25 That+V 264
Pattern 26 That sounds~ 266
Pattern 27 It is~ 268
Pattern 28 It's not~ 270
Pattern 29 Is It~ ? 272
Pattern 30 It is going to~ 274
Pattern 31 It will~ 276
Pattern 32 It can~ 278
Pattern 33 It should~ 280
Pattern 34 It is ~ to~ 282
Pattern 35 It's so~ that~ 284
Pattern 36 It is okay to~ 286
Pattern 37 It's okay if~ 288
Pattern 38 It's not okay~ 290
Pattern 39 It is all right to~ 292
Pattern 40 Is it all right~ ? 294
Pattern 41 It isn't all right~ 296
Pattern 42 It's hard to~ 298
Pattern 43 It's not hard~ 300
Pattern 44 It's easy~ 302
Pattern 45 It's very nice of~ 304
Pattern 46 It's worth~ 306
Pattern 47 It's fine~ 308
Pattern 48 It's good to~ 310
Pattern 49 It's not good to~ 312
Pattern 50 It's better to~ 314
Pattern 51 It's better to~ 316
Pattern 52 It's best~ 318
Pattern 53 It's great~ 320
Pattern 54 It's too bad~ 322
Pattern 55 It's true that~ 324
Pattern 56 It's possible~ 326
Pattern 57 It's impossible~ 328
Pattern 58 It's important~ 330
Pattern 59 It's the most important~ 332
Pattern 60 It has been+시간+since 334
Pattern 61 It's time to~ 336
Pattern 62 It's high time~ 338
Pattern 63 It's a shame~ 340
Pattern 64 It looks like~ 342
Pattern 65 It seems~ 344
Pattern 66 It's like~ 346
Pattern 67 It's not like~ 348
Pattern 68 It's gonna be like~ 350
Pattern 69 It hit me that~ 352
Pattern 70 It's fun~ 354
CHAPTER 05 There[Here]~ 357
Pattern 01 There is[are]~ 358
Pattern 02 There isn't~ 360
Pattern 03 There's gonna~ 362
Pattern 04 There is[are] ~ing 364
Pattern 05 There is some~ 366
Pattern 06 Is there some~ ? 368
Pattern 07 Is there any~ ? 370
Pattern 08 There's no~ 372
Pattern 09 There's no other~ 374
Pattern 10 There's nothing~ 376
Pattern 11 There's nothing like~ 378
Pattern 12 There are a lot of~ 380
Pattern 13 There's a good chance~382
Pattern 14 There's a possibility~ 384
Pattern 15 There are times when~ 386
Pattern 16 Here is~ 388